UX research - Brand Book - Website design
Rebranding of Salam Toronto as a news brand in 2020 with new logo system and Typography and colour theme for placing in digital media.Making a new brand book and a user-friendly website for reader and good layout for placing advertising.
Role - Branding, UX, UI
Year - 2021
Client -

UX Research Method
Field study (50 user)
User's interview (20 user)
Stakeholder's interview (20 user)
google analytics tracking from the brand's website.
Product Feather
• Daily e-newsletter
• Save and Share News
• Breaking News
• Social media pages
• Website

The Solution

Redesign Logo System.
The added elements were removed and worked on typography based on the previous logo, making a system logo that is effective in different modes and areas.

Brand Book
The visual identity guide of the brand includes the logo system, clear space, color theme, typography, title design, etc.

Website Design
Balancing services areas, eye tracking layout between top news, category of news, and important news. Each area has value and advantages for different audiences.
Appreciated your time on this page.

How can we convey the sense of premium on the Brand? I minimized visual overload by removing unnecessary graphics elements.
The main layout didn't have a balancing services area.
The logo and News section didn't have an eye-tracking layout.
The Logo was designed in 2000 and it didn't have a function to use in digital media. It needed to change on various options, independent of the media.